About the Business
TTMG Internet was established in late 2005 as The Traffic Manager Group (TTMG) a business focussed on website promotion and website traffic growth. Inevitably when looking at website traffic and search engine optimisation (SEO) the structure of the website comes into question and so over the years a great deal of time has been spent on site structuring as part of the work. One thing leads to another and so we have found over time that existing cutsomers will come back for whole site builds and re-builds as well as the promotion work.
For that reason (and because we kept getting inappropriate enquiries from haulage firms), the business was renamed TTMG Internet in late 2009 to reflect the more general internet focus the business then had. One thing that has become obvious over the years is the need for economical solutions that can be implemented quickly: not everyone wants (or needs to be) Amazon.com.
Location & Hours

Tavistock Place